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23 November 2009 | |

A raging reality

Social organizations create the “Angry Mermaid” Award to expose the role of big corporations in climate change.

length: 1:36 minutes
Download: MP3 (1.1 Mb)

Friends of the Earth International, ATTAC Denmark, Focus on the Global South, Spinwatch and Corporate Europe Observatory are organizing a very particular award, which is not aimed at highlighting the good behavior of corporations, but to show the terrible role these corporations play in climate change.

The award is called “the Angry Mermaid”, making reference to the Copenhagen icon, the mermaid, since the UN climate talks (COP 15)will take place in that city in December.

“The Angry Mermaid Award has been set up to recognize the perverse role of corporate lobbyists, and highlight those business groups and companies that have made the greatest effort to sabotage the climate talks, and other climate measures, while promoting, often profitable, false solutions”, said the organizations promoting the initiative on the website www.angrymermaid.org/es.

The vote will take place on this website to define which company has done the greatest effort to block any effective action to tackle climate change.

The vote is open to anyone interested, and it will take place next Sunday, December 13.

The “winning” company will be revealed two days later in Copenhagen.

Watch the video of the Angry Mermaid, explaining there are enough reasons to be angry about this.

La sirenita enfadada

Foto: http://www.angrymermaid.org

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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