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31 May 2011 | |

He’s Back

Zelaya returns to Honduras. A new stage begins for the resistance

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Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya returned to his country last weekend. He was living in the exile after being ousted on June 29 of 2009 by a coup d’état.

Zelaya is the leader of the resistance front created in Honduras to oppose the dictatorship. He was able to return to the country after signing an agreement in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) on May 15 with incumbent Honduran President, Porfirio Lobo. The agreement, which was supported by the presidents of Colombia, Manuel Santos and the Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, provides that neither the former president nor the former members of his administration will be put to trial if they returned to Honduras. It also guarantees the safety of the former President and his family.

Upon his return to the country, Zelaya gave a speech before hundreds of thousands of people that were waiting for him outside Toncontin airport in Honduras capital, Tegucigalpa.

In the first public address made by Zelaya after his return in Honduras, he focused on democracy as an essential requirement to guarantee human rights. The former president also mentioned that his return was a victory, an achievement of all Latin America and the resistance of the Honduran people.

He also said that a Constituent Assembly should be called to radically change the Constitution in force.

Meanwhile, trade union leader and member of the National Front of Popular Resistance, Juan Barahona, told Telesur that today begins a new stage in which the movement would demand then compliance with the agreements signed for Zelaya’s return.

He also said that they would demand the recognition of the Front as a political party organization in order to be able to take part in future elections.

“President Zelaya said it yesterday: ’we aim to obtain political power with the resistance, we will organize our own political party’”, said Barahona.

Lobo’s administration hopes the agreement signed with Zelaya will enable Honduras’ re-entry in the Organization of American States (OAS), from which it was expelled as a result of the coup d’état.

The day after Zelaya’s return to the country, a delegation of Lobo’s administration travelled to Washington, D.C. To participate in the OAS Extraordinary Meeting called for next Wednesday June 1st, which could decide Honduras readmission.

But if the OAS decides in favor of Honduras’ readmission in the organisation, there will not be a unanimous vote since the Ecuadorian government has already said it would oppose the country’s re-entry until the people responsible for the coup are tried.

Photo: http://www.resistenciahonduras.net/

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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