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5 November 2009 | | |

Historic Evasion

Mabel Marquez from Via Campesina Honduras on the tactics to avoid restoration of President Zelaya

2:36 minutes
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The tactics to delay the restoration of Honduran President Jose Manuel Zelaya carried out by the coup forces have caused an extremely tense atmosphere in the Central American country. These are crucial hours since the deadline given to comply with the agreement that will end the military coup is near.

But not only the Honduran population is tired of the attitude of the political forces in favor of the coup, or institutions like the Parliament or the Court of Justice.

An international delegation of the Organization of American States is also following the advances and steps forward and backwards taken by the negotiations, while the people of Honduras are supporting the return of the president and stating their opinion with reference to the elections scheduled for November 29th.

“They are part”

Last Tuesday, the directive board of Honduras Congress decided to “consult” the Supreme Court of Justice on the restoration of President Zelaya, thus delaying a response. This institution has directly and indirectly backed the coup, “they are the coup perpetrators themselves, people are tired and they are not willing to continue suffering this kind of situation”, said Mabel Marquez from LVC.

The activist also criticized the ambiguous attitude of White House high-official Tom Shannon, Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs of Obama´s administration, in the Honduran conflict.

After being kidnapped and taken to Costa Rica, Zelaya managed to return on September 21st and since then he is at the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa.

The coup was perpetrated among forces from the parliament and judicial institutions, like the one which is being consulted now, “when actually, they were a part”, said Mabel.

Although the Resistance Front which organized the struggle against the coup included in their platform the calling of a National Constituent Assembly to promote deep changes in terms of human and social rights and the state structure, this demand has been suspended as a condition of the coup perpetrators to give the power back and carry out the elections.

“This is a mere political agreement, but the Front of Resistance has a clear position. If we are going to compromise so that constitutional order is restored, we are going to respect the agreements made by the President, but once the President is restored we will be able to continue taking to the streets the struggle for a Constituent Assembly”, said La Via Campesina´s member.

Photo: http://www.diariouno.com.ar

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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