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1 December 2009 | | |

More abstentions than votes

Lobo is elected President in illegitimate Honduran elections

length: 2:20 minutes
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On Sunday night, the Honduran media declared cattle producer Porfirio Lobo Sosa as the winner of the presidential elections, in a questioned electoral process. According to official figures he obtained 56% of the votes in the elections, which had 70% of abstentions, according to the Front of Resistance to the Coup D’Etat.

The resistance to the dictatorship, as well as ousted President Manuel Zelaya, had called the Hondurans to abstain from voting in the national elections, which he considered corrupt as they were being celebrated under Roberto Micheletti’s de facto regime.

With the exception of few international governments, most governments and international organizations backed the opposers to the coup, by refusing to send international observers to the elections, to avoid legitimizing an electoral process that took place with no guarantees for the voters to express with freedom.

In fact, some of the observers who attended to try to enforce human rights, were jailed by the de facto regime that also repressed the mobilizations of the Honduran popular movement to reject the illegitimate process.

The US, which has played a key role in the continuity of the Honduran dictatorship, congratulated the “new president” of Honduras, by acknowledging an administration that was corrupt from the start.

The Honduran popular bloc warned this could represent a dangerous precedent for Latin America.

Meanwhile, Lobo said that he will lead a country built on humanism and Christianity, and said that what happened with Zelaya “is in the past”.

Real World Radio interviewed the leader of the Front of Resistance, Juan Barahona, who spoke about the repression of the de facto regime against the popular bloc, and talked about the role played by Lobo in continuing to answer to the orders of the de facto regime.

“Mr. Porfirio Lobo -who won the elections in an electoral fraud, a mock election on Sunday- is a member of the coup, a planner of the coup.

He is part of the coup, and now he is a candidate that resulted from the coup d’état.

He answers to the country’s oligarchy”, said Barahona.

He added that the Front of Resistance would not recognize his government because they had decided “not to talk with the dictators”.

Honduras: Caravana en rechazo a elecciones

Foto: http://nicaraguaymasespanol.blogspot.com

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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