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27 October 2009 | | |

Near the End?

OAS believes the crisis in Honduras will come to an end this week

2:23 minutes
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The crisis in Honduras caused by the coup d´etat against President Manuel Zelaya is reaching its end. Or at least, this is what John Biehl, head of the mission of the Organization of American States in the country said to Radio Cooperativa station from Chile.

Biehl stated that it is possible that an agreement will be reached this week among the representatives of the constitutional government and the delegates of the regime led by Roberto Micheletti. “The end is near and the will to restore the institutional order in Honduras is clear”, said Biehl.

The negotiations had paralyzed due to the de facto government´s refusal to accept Zelaya as a president again, which was considered by zelayistas as a clear strategy by the dictatorship to delay advances until the presidential elections, scheduled for November, are held.

The National Front against the coup d´etat in Honduras affirmed that they will not recognize the elections if democracy isn´t reestablished. “The people will not accept the electoral sham the coup perpetrators are preparing”, said to Prensa Latina, peasant leader Rafael Alegria, one of the reference points of the opposition to the dictatorship.

The opinion of the National Front against the coup d´etat is shared by the entire international community. On Tuesday, it was reported that even the US government, which has been criticized for not acting strongly enough against the coup, will send envoys to Honduras to exert more pressure to end with the crisis.

According to the New York Times, the decision to send officials to the country was made after State Secretary, Hillary Clinton, made calls to Zelaya and Micheletti, and to whom she expressed her “increasing frustration” over the situation in Honduras.

According to sources for the newspaper, Clinton had reserved her toughest comments for the dictator, since the US considers he has been “the most difficult”.

Meanwhile, Democrat Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, has called on the administration to condemn the coup firmly.
“It should be perfectly clear to Mr. Micheletti that the coup, and his martial provisions to shut down media outlets, harass and arrest politicians, and influence the elections are unacceptable, and will not succeed.”, said a spokesman for Kerry, according to DPA agency.

Photo: http://www.prensa-latina.cu

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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