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2 August 2011 | | |

Piñera failed

After two months of conflict, Chilean students denounce government

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This could be a key week in the conflict began by high school students two months ago. While the Chilean government is threatening the strikers with the failing of the courses, the students’ unions think that is just a form of pressure from Sebastian Piñera’s administration.

In an interview with La Voz de la Costa de Osorno, published by ALER news agency, the chair of the Student Federation of Osorno, Paulina Carcamo, urged the students of the country to keep the calendar of demonstrations and questioned the Executive Branch over its threats.

Meanwhile, Telesur reports that other leaders of the student union said the government does not seem to be willing to pay the political costs of promoting a massive failure of courses.

In some Chilean regions, the local authorities have ordered the eviction of occupied high schools, for example in Valdivia, where 50 students were repressed and arrested by the police.

The unions demand that education does not depend on municipalities and that 7% of the resources the country gets from copper exploitation are destined to education. Amid these demands, Piñera’s administration submitted a Big National Education Agreement on national TV, questioned by the students for being a mechanism to legalize profit.

Some university unions are now joining the high school student’s hunger strike. Mapuexpress reported that the students of Universidad de la Frontera began fasting this week to look for a “clear, satisfactory and fast solution” to their demands.

Mapuexpress reports that “The strikers also raise awareness among the students in particular, to not be selfish and comfortable, to not remain silent to the demands and to join the struggle”.

Photo: Mapuexpress

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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