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20 July 2011 | | |


Israel stops the only ship of the humanitarian flotilla heading to Gaza

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Forty miles off the coast of Gaza, the Israeli navy intercepted the only ship of the Second Freedom Flotilla that had managed to leave Greece, despite the government’s prohibition.

Initially, the second flotilla was made up by ten ships where nearly 300 people from twenty countries would travel in order to break the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip and to bring aid – which consisted mainly of educational and health material-to the Palestinian people.

But the initiative had to confront a Greek’s government prohibition of leaving to Israel, and sabotage attempts that several of the ships had to go through.

The ship that managed to avoid all the obstacles was French yacht Dignité, Al Karame, on board of which there were ten activists, most of them French, three journalists – an Israeli and two others from Qatari news chain Al Jazeera, and three crewmen. They were all arrested by the Israeli navy, which deported them immediately.

In statements published by Venezuelan newspaper Telesur, Mahmoud Abu Daf, Chief of the Committee Against the Gaza Blockade, called the international community to take “political, humanitarian and moral” responsibility for the “Israeli piracy” that prevented the ships from reaching their goal of putting an end to the blockade.

The Arab League also called the United Nations Security Council to take action about this incident, which it described as an act of piracy by the Israeli navy.

Meanwhile, the flotilla’s coordinator, Manuel Tapia, told Prensa Latina news agency that these obstacles would not stop the activists.

“We shall not stop until we can visit our Palestinian brothers and bring them all the humanitarian help we have gathered in Spain and in several European countries”, he said,

During the first initiative of the Freedom Flotilla, Israel opened fire against the peaceful demonstrators on board of the ships, which resulted in the death of several activists and widespread international outrage.

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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