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13 April 2009 | |

Red April

Mobilizations throughout the world on the International Day of Peasant Struggle

Length: 1 minute 44 seconds
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When on April 17th, 1996, tens of police officers attacked nearly 1500 landless peasants in Eldorado de Carajas, they didn´t imagine that after the massacre, the peasant movement would sow hope. On every April 17th thousands of demonstrations are carried out throughout the world to remember the 19 members of the Landless Rural Workers Movement from Brazil who were killed, and the 69 people who were injured 13 years ago.

In the framework of the International Day of Peasant Struggle, the international network of peasant organizations Vía Campesina issued on Monday a statement which highlights that small scale production is the answer to the world food crisis.

“To ensure that food reaches every person, regardless of where they live and how much they earn, policies changes must be implemented, now. April 17th is one day to bring the problem and the solution to the public’s eye. Please join us in planning and participating in this global Day of Action”, reads the statement, signed by Dena Hoff, regional coordinator of la Vía Campesina in North America.

Other Via Campesina´s groups are also calling to participate in activities on April 17th. This is the case of the National Indigenous Peasant Movement from Santiago del Estero, in Argentina, which will organize several activities, among them a march, a workshop on gender issues and the inauguration of a community radio.

(CC) 2009 Real World Radio


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