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17 de agosto de 2009 | |


The Honduran Union of Writers and Artists rejects the imposition of a new de facto Minister

1:34 minutes
Descargar: MP3 (1.1 MB)

Honduran writers are direct and reject the imposition of Mirna Castro as Culture, Arts and Sports Minister, appointed by Micheletti´s regime.

“We reject her as a National Culture Authority, because she belongs to a de facto government which has only brought shame and discredit to our country, a country which loves peace, democracy and popular sovereignty”, according to a statement issued by the artists and writers.

They also call the popular resistance to put an end to the dictatorial regime and are confident about the fact that “the people and the international solidarity will allow the return of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya Rosales and his ministers, for them to finish the term they were elected for by the Honduran popular sovereignty”.

They also state that Culture Minister, Dr. Pastor Fasquelle and the officials working in that ministry “continue to be legitimate because they belong to a government which came into power on the will of the Honduran people”.

The members of the writers and artists union reject, as the majority of the Honduran people, “the coup d´etat perpetrated by the representatives of the National Congress, the Armed Forces, businessmen and journalists who are working in the media owned by the de facto government”, a coup d´etat which the false minister, Mirna Castro, “is part of, to the shame of national and international culture”.

Photo: Indymedia Chiapas

(CC) 2009 Radio Mundo Real


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