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15 June 2010 | |

Right Turn

The right wing advances in Dutch elections

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The far right increased the number of Parliamentary seats by three fold in the recent elections, and it is now only a step away from being part of the new government. We share a report from our colleagues of Mas Voces web radio.

The liberal Peoples’ Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), led by Mark Rutte, won the parliamentary elections in The Netherlands by getting 31 seats, one more than the labor party. However, what calls the attention in this elections is the big increase of the votes to the far right, which is the country’s third political sector, going from 9 to 24 seats in Parliament.

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom, PPV, declares to be openly anti-Muslim and it will now be able to become part of the government if it reaches an agreement with the liberals.

Fourth in the elections are the Christian Democrats of outgoing Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, which saw their seats in Parliament reduced from 41 to 21, representing a historic defeat for that political party, which has been part of all government coalitions since the end of World War II.

Radio Netherlands offers more information and analysis of these elections.

Photo: http://eleconomista.com.mx

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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