Features / All for the release of the political prisoners of Santa Cruz Barillas

The communities of Santa Cruz Barillas, Huehuetenango, Guatemala have been rejecting the building of several hydroelectric dams by the Hidro Santa Cruz, Hidralia SA consortium of Spain for over a decade. In April and May, 2012, an action by the company resulted in a reaction by the communities and the declaration of a State of Emergency, with the subsequent irregular imprisonment of several leaders, who spent nine months behind bars. Once released, the legal system, in complicity with the authoritarian administration of Otto Perez Molina and the company, has been trying to imprison them once again. Two of the community leaders were arrested when summoned to testify and it is expected that other leaders will follow the same path. For this reason, human rights organizations from Guatemala, together with Friends of the Earth Spain, are organizing a campaign to demand the immediate release of the political prisoners and that all cases are overturned. Real World Radio has followed this situation closely from the beginning and is offering this special section with information about the persecution against nature and human rights defenders from Mayan communities. This is an invitation to solidarity and action.

Friend of the Earth

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