Radio Mundo Real

26 de septiembre de 2017 | |

MST Coordinator Joao Pedro Stédile analyzes coup d´Etat against Dilma Roussef and denounces neoliberal project within the Brazilian government

"The 2018 elections will imply a war between the working class and the bourgeoisie", said the coordinator of the Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil, Joao Pedro Stédile, during the 16th Meeting on Agroecology held in Paraná State.

In a speech before representatives of the Frente Brasil Popular, Stédile analyzed the economic rationale, the manipulation of information and the counter-offensive of the dominant sectors in Brazil to explain the ousting of Dilma Roussef, of the Workers Party (PT).

"Lula is bigger than the Workers Party, he is the symbol and realization of the Brazilian working class" J.P. Stédile.

Stédile explained how the Frente Brasil Popular party is made up, led by the Landless Movement itself, together with 60 national movements and organizations of the country, even before the onset of this crisis.

"They (the bourgeoisie) already had control over the media with Globo; they also had control over the judicial branch, but they did not control Congress or the Executive branch", so they invested millions of reais in the 2014 campaign and achieved a majority in Congress, which then allowed them to oust the president, said Stédile.

Another goal with this Coup is to realign Brazil´s economy to that of the US, and the appropriation by private capital of the high profit rates which during Lula´s and Dilma´s administrations were used in social, education and health policies, he added.

He also warned that the current administration, led by Michel Temer and his party, PMDB, together with media corporations and large industrial economic groups "is divided, as if a football team had four coaches. A team with four coaches cannot win".

Along these lines, Stédile said that "next year elections will be the largest electoral campaign of the class struggle in Brazilian history.

It will represent a war between the working class and the bourgeoisie. Maybe the only similar dispute in the history of Brazil was the election of Getulio Vargas in the 50s. In the context of the intensification of the class struggle, Stédile considers former president Lula da Silva to be the symbol of the working class. "Lula is bigger than the Workers Party, he is the symbol and realization of the Brazilian working class. So the burgeosie hates Lula, because he represents the entire class", said the leader, who also stated that the Workers Party (PT) no longer holds the right to decide over Lula´s nomination. "The bourgeoisie can choose their own candidates, we already have ours".

Stédile believes the former president cannot be imprisoned now due to the huge support by the Brazilian people. About this he highlighted the many mobilizations scheduled to take place in Brazil against the privatizations promoted by Michel Temer´s administration in key sectors of the State.

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2017 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra