Radio Mundo Real

11 de diciembre de 2009 | | |

Together and Strong

Naomi Klein at the Klimaforum in Copenhagen

“Here in Copenhagen, the Nobel –which was awarded in part because of Obama’s reengagement with the climate change negotiations– carries a special set of ironies”, wrote Naomi Klein, renowned Canadian activist, on her blog on Wednesday. That day US President travelled to Oslo, Norway to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.

“The figure U.S. negotiators are floating for how much Washington will contribute to an international climate change fund is a paltry $1.4-billion”, said Klein. And she added: “Meanwhile, the cost of the ‘surge’ in Afghanistan is estimated at $30-40-billion”.

Researcher, journalist, writer and activist, famous for her anti-globalization work, Klein was present at the Klimaforum to participate in some workshops. On Thursday, she was one of the speakers of an activity called “Toward the Peoples´ Tribunal on Ecological Debt and Climate Justice”. Jubilee South, Climate Justice Now, Friends of the Earth International, Focus on the Global South, FASE, and Ecologistas en Accion were some of the organizers.

Let´s listen to Naomi Klein addressing hundreds of people at the Klimaforum.


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Audio: MP3 – 6.3 MB length: 13:48 minutes

2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra