Radio Mundo Real

16 de diciembre de 2009 | | |

Action for Agriculture

Interview with Josie Riffaud, member of Via Campesina France

On Tuesday, several activities took place in Copenhagen in the framework of the Agriculture Action Day, parallel to the official negotiations of the COP 15 on Climate Change in the Danish capital city. Their aim was to raise awareness on the links between climate change and agriculture, and demand climate justice and food sovereignty.

Industrial agriculture, controlled by corporations, is responsible for approximately 18 per cent of global GHG emissions per year.

A mobilization led by the message “Food System Change, not Climate Change”, and the screening of the film “Scorched Earth” in the streets, were the main activities. This Agriculture Action Day was organized by Climate Justice Action with the support of Via Campesina and Friends of the Earth.

Let´s share now an interview with Josie Riffaud, member of la Vía Campesina France, at the end of an activity of the Klimaforum, in Copenhagen.


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Audio: MP3 – 8.3 MB 12:14 minutes

2009 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra