Radio Mundo Real

12 de octubre de 2010 | | |

Che Guevara continues being an example

3rd Rural Youth Assembly remembers the legacy of Ernesto Guevara and marks the beginning of the meeting of the CLOC

The Central University of Quito is flooded with peasants, women, indigenous people, black communities and advocates for the rights of Mother Earth, Food Sovereignty, for the right to land and a planet with healthy food for everyone.

The 3rd Latin American Rural Youth Assembly began on Friday 8th, a date that coincides with the anniversary of the death of the inspiring Ernesto Che Guevara.

Hundreds of young people from organizations from around the continent highlight the need to educate the new generations of activists, both in theory and in practice.

This assembly is part of the 5th Conference of the Latin American Coordination of Rural Organizations- Via Campesina which is taking place in the capital city of Ecuador from October 8-16.

“Against the looting by the empire” is the main concept of these nine days of discussions which started with activities related to young people and will continue on Sunday and Monday with the Assembly of Rural Women.

The events are taking place at the Central University in Quito, which offers a panoramic view of the city and the Cotopaxi volcano.

On Tuesday 12, peasant leaders, Bolivian President Evo Morales and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, in addition to members from other organizations will open the 5th Conference.

As part of the opening ceremony there will be a mobilization with CLOC-Via Campesina organizations and the World Social Forum on Migration which is also taking place in Quito.

1500 delegates from all parts of the world are expected in this event that will discuss strategic lines of action of social movements related to the countryside, and will assess the struggles and the attacks by transnational companies with reference to land use, water and other common resources in the industrialization of agriculture.

Real World Radio interviewed Clever Folgado at the Rural Youth Assembly. He is member of the Movement of Small Farmers (Via Campesina)-Brazil. Folgado made reference to the role of education and also the concepts behind this education at the level of youth organizations. He also remembered Ernesto Guevara as a model for the Latin American youth.

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2010 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra