Radio Mundo Real

1ro de agosto de 2011 | |

Shaping the future

Meeting of Trainers of Agroecology of La Via Campesina in Guatemala

The Second Continental Meeting of Agroecology Trainers began with a Mayan ceremony in the old capital of Kakchiqueles, Iximché.

Nearly 150 delegates of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, Panama, Venezuela and Guatemala are participating in the meeting to be held on Wednesday August 3.

Daniel Pascual, leader of La Via Campesina Guatemala, said his country is against transnational looting corporations which have implemented the consumption of GMOs and the massive use of agrotoxics in agriculture.

Pascual emphasized that Agroecology is the alternative towards Good Living, in order to preserve the legacy of our grandparents. He also said “the poverty level associated with agrofuel production leads us to disaster”.

The model proposed, which is Agroecology, goes beyond organic production, said Pascual. “It is an alternative system of producing land, handling seeds, soils, production cycles, beans, fruit trees , animals, medicinal herbs and food, as a complete system that will feed the world and cool the planet. But also of defending the territory”.

Jorge Pucha from Cicalpa Viejo community, in Chimborazo, Ecuador said that the families cultivate healthy products because if they work with chemicals they destroy the soil, humanity and the environment.

Women play a fundamental role in organizing the families but also in producing food for the countryside and the city. The big concern now is that healthy food is produced for the people. In order to do that it is essential to have a stronger understanding of Agroecology, said Ayala Ferreira, delegate of the Rural Landless Peasant Movement of Brazil.

The following video shows the opening events of the meeting. It was produced by La Via Campesina’s communication team.


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2011 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra