Radio Mundo Real

6 de marzo de 2012 | | | | |

Building an Alternative

Conference on agrarian reform and food sovereignty in Buenos Aires

Social movements and organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean will meet in Buenos Aires from March 22-25 for the 3rd Special Conference for Food Sovereignty, which will take place before the 31st Regional Conference of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

The event aims to gather 110 movements and organizations of the Latin American and Caribbean region to follow the regional and international agenda around food, agriculture and rural development.

In addition, during the conference, the movements will discuss and contribute with the agenda of the FAO Regional Conference on issues such as: food security and sovereignty, economic and social development, agrarian reform, foreignization of natural resources, food aid, biodiversity, genetic resources, global warming, GMOs and biofuels, national production of food, price volatility, agricultural investments, etc.

The aim of the organizations is to strengthen and develop strategic alliances among social movements, and to draft an Action Plan for Food Sovereignty.

Real World Radio will be present at the conference in the Argentinian capital city covering the event.

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2012 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra