Radio Mundo Real

27 de marzo de 2012 | | |

Soverign Boats

Artisanal fisherfolk in the struggle for Food Sovereignty; interview with Gabino Acevedo

In the framework of the 3rd Special Conference on Food Sovereignty, the sector of artisanal fisherfolk has put on the table the defense of maritime territories against the advance of industrial fishing corporations in Latin America that damage fisherfolk communities and marine biodiversity.

At the 3rd Conference of the social movements for Food Sovereignty which took place in Buenos Aires from March 22-25, representatives of fisherfolk communities of the region made reference to the coincidences of the struggles of their sector with the struggles of peasants, environmentalists and indigenous peoples.

The Final Declaration of the event makes reference to the importance of fisheries in the building of Food Sovereignty in the continent, and its influence for the fulfillment of the Right to Food.

About this, Gabino Acevedo, representative of the National Fisheries Association of Panama considered that mining projects, the expansion of monoculture plantations, the use of agrotoxics, hydroelectric projects and the climate crisis are threats to their livelihood and Food Sovereignty.

One of the proposals put forward in the activity in Buenos Aires by fisherfolk representatives was the recognition of eight maritime miles exclusively destined to artisanal fisheries. Acevedo believes the governments support the large transnational corporations of the sector, and only control and limit fisherfolk communities.

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2012 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra