Radio Mundo Real

21 de noviembre de 2012 | | | | | |

Wishing It’s Not True

Paramilitary officers announced murder of Colombian environmentalist Miguel Angel Pabon Pabon: organizations trying to confirm information

Three paramilitary officers arrived Sunday night to Las Acacias community in Santander department, Colombia, threatened the local population and said that environmentalist leader Miguel Angel Pabon Pabon was dead. This took place after his family and friends held several actions to find the activist alive.

Colombian social movements and organizations are trying to check if the leader and fisherman who resisted against Hidrosogamoso dam in Santander was in fact murdered. There isn’t official information about this at the moment. When the activist disappeared it was rumored that he was in the hands of a paramilitary group.

Miguel Angel Pabon Pabon disappeared on October 31st in San Vicente de Chucurí municipality in Santander. He is one of the leaders of the Social Movement in Defense of the Sogamoso River and also a member of the Colombian Movement in Defense of Territories and People Affected by Dams “Rios Vivos”.


2012 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra