Radio Mundo Real

13 de diciembre de 2013 | | |

Friends of the Earth’s Assessment of the UN Committee on World Food Security Negotiations

Real World Radio presents the assessment by Friends of the Earth’s Food Sovereignty program coordinator Kirtana Chandrasekaran on the latest decisions of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security (CFS) on agrofuels.

Chandrasekaran also speaks about the CFS resolutions regarding investments in smallholder agriculture and the civil society’s role in the committee.
Real World Radio also interviewed environmental activist of Friends of the Earth Finland, Otto Bruun, who focused on the role of social movements and organizations in the so called “Civil Society Mechanism”.

The CFS decisions on investment in smallholder agriculture and agrofuels, which go in different directions in terms of tackling world hunger, were negotiated and adopted by the governments at the CFS 40th session held in Rome, Italy, from October 7 to 11. Both Chandrasekaran and Bruun, as well as co-coordinator of FoEI’s Food Sovereignty Program, Martin Drago, attended the CFS talks in Rome.

The Committee on World Food Security is a multilateral agency reformed in 2009 to include the participation of different stakeholders in the debate on food security and nutrition. In 2011, the CFS commissioned reports on two different issues to a High Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition. As regards to the investment in smallholder agriculture, the CFS followed the panel’s recommendations, while it dismissed its assessment on agrofuels.

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2013 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra