Radio Mundo Real

16 de marzo de 2016 | | | | | |

International Mission arrives to Honduras to demand justice and security for social defenders

The International Mission “Justice for Berta Caceres” started on March 16 in Honduras and it is made up of European MPs and members of Latin American movements and organizations. The mission aims to meet with different sectors of the Honduran State to demand justice for Berta Cáceres, security for social defenders of the country and for Mexican activist Gustavo Castro who is still blocked from leaving the Mexican Embassy in Honduras.

Real World Radio interviewed Rosalinda Hidalgo of the Mexican Movement of People Affected by Dams and in Defense of Rivers (MAPDER), an organization that is participating in the mission. About this international solidarity action, Rosalinda said: “This mission is the result of a series of initiatives by different international organizations concerned over the situation in Honduras and the murder of Berta Cáceres”.

The mission has 4 goals according to the Mexican activist: “to clear up the murder of Berta and demand the relevant authorities in Honduras to identify those responsible and the motives. They are also demanding the return of Gustavo to Mexico. They tried to kill him and now he is being blocked from leaving the country. His security is at risk and this is something the mission will deal with. Then, we also want to know why the precautionary measures of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights granted to Berta and COPINH members weren´t respected. The last goal of the mission is to identify the implications of funding megaprojects. These are tainting with blood the territories of the countries. The establishment of these companies is having extremely high costs for the lives of people and the sovereignty of countries”.

According to the mission´s statement, the mission will stay in the country until the 20th of March and will attend meetings with organizations of the social movement, visit the family of Berta Cáceres and the COPINH coordinators in La Esperanza, Intibucá.

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2016 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra