Radio Mundo Real

20 de febrero de 2017 |

Interview with Inmaculada Ibáñez Vargas, of Vía Campesina Europe, ahead of a new conference of the international peasant movement

In the context of the preparatives for its next international conference to be held in July, in the Basque Country, the women´s area of this international peasant organization met in El Salvador, in ANTA´s offices.

One of the members of this area, Andalusian Inmaculada Ibáñez, head of the Women´s Area of the Coordination of Cattle Farmers of Spain, talked with Real World Radio about the main issues on the agenda, based on peasant and popular feminism.

She especially made reference to the impacts of the lack of rights for peasant people observed in El Salvador, during her first visit to Latin America. She also said that one of the expected outcomes for the next conference of LVC is to increase the visibility of the role of women in food production.

During the interview, Inmaculada highlighted that what is commonly referred to as "the primary sector is of key importance because we are talking about the production of food". About the situation of immigrants looking to enter Europe and the effect this has had in terms of the armoring of the European Union, Inmaculada said that both Spain and Brussels have signed agreements to respect the access of immigrants to their territories.
"We want to be strengthened and to have our rights respected", said Inmaculada about the desired outcomes of the peasant conference in the Basque Country.

The lack of rights in terms of protection and social security for the men and women of the countryside seen in Central America represented one of the strongest contrasts for the European peasant in contact with her Latin American peers.

"When rural people´s rights are respected, it is not only their quality of life that improves, but that of the population in general, since we feed the world, and this is extremely important", she concluded.

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2017 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra