Radio Mundo Real

11 de octubre de 2016 | | | | | |

“We are a threat to the system”

CONAMURI of Paraguay at the 31st National Women´s Meeting, Argentina

Social activist Fátima González, of the National Coordination of Rural and Indigenous Women Organizations of Paraguay (CONAMURI) denounced in Rosario, Argentina, that there are women who are imprisoned in her country for resisting and representing a “threat against the ruling Dictatorship”.

“A narco-fascist dictatorship is installed in the country which sees that women are not afraid and that we put our bodies and defend ourselves with our children in our arms. That´s why they attack us and want to imprison us”, said González, during the activities of the 31st National Women´s Meeting of Argentina.

In the interview with Real World Radio´s correspondent at the event, Florencia Flores Iborra, the Paraguayan activist said that “what is taking place today in Paraguay is not by chance, it is a regional-level plan to control our production means by the patriarchal and transnational capital”. “We think it is essential to build this popular alternative together as women; we need to strengthen our grassroots work, our work in the territory”.

The member of CONAMURI said that the meeting of women who are struggling and resisting all throughout Latin America is essential. “It represents an alternative for this system that wants to divide us, they want to put flags and borders on us so that we don´t realize that we are part of a transnational project where our bodies and territories are at stake”, concluded González.

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2016 Radio Mundo Real / Amigos de la Tierra