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28 June 2010 | |

Aiming for a policy change

Salvadorean peasants oppose continuation of conservative agrarian policies by Funes administration

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In El Salvador, the National Council of Rural Workers (CNTC, member of La Via Campesina), is mobilized in demand for the Parliament’s passing of a bill they drafted for the promotion of agrarian policies based on the concept of food sovereignty.

The document written by the peasant organizations was delivered to President Mauricio Funes, the Minister of Agriculture and the Legislative Assembly. The peasants are now demanding its prompt discussion.
Funes turned one year in office on June 1st. He is from the left-wing Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, and many of its government proposals have caused controversy among the country’s main social organizations.

The CNTC did not hesitate to argue with the Executive Branch about a decree linked to phone services bill which, they claimed, was written to benefit the transnational corporations.

In the case of the agrarian policies, the peasant organizations aim for an improvement of the tools destined to improve the situation of family farming, although everything shows that those demands have not been heard by the government.

In a publication spread by the radio show Voz de los Movimientos, produced by La Minga Informativa (a media group made up by the social movements), the CNTC coordinator, Carlos Rodriguez, emphasizes the importance that the Salvadorean peasants will have in the passing of the agrarian reform bill.

The show says the CNTC does not share the proposals made by the new administration on this issue. They claim that their initiatives are based on ’food security’ criteria, and they complain that Funes has applied the same agrarian policies as his predecessors, the conservative right-wing party Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA)”.

Photo: http://larebeldiadelosinmigrantes.b...

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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