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14 September 2011 | |


ALER reports on the advance of Brazilian capital in South American countries

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Brazilian capitalism controls a “large percentage” of the main sources of income of the countries of the region, like for example hydrocarbons in Bolivia; mining in Peru; cattle ranching in Uruguay; energy in Itaipu dam and soy in Paraguay.

Those are some of the conclusions drawn by Mathias Luce, professor of political economy in an
article he recently wrote on “Brazilian subimperialism in Bolivia and Latin America”, cited by
Bolivian correspondent of ALER news agency, Ricardo Ontiveros.

According to the professor, Argentina disputed the leadership in the region of the Southern Cone, but in the recent years “it has had many areas controlled” by Brazilian corporations.

ALER correspondent says that many Brazilian infrastructure and energy corporations are currently operating in different Latin American countries, carrying out big projects “that are questioned and resisted by indigenous, peasant and civic organizations”.

“These companies in many cases end up increasing the price of the works paid by the state” says the Bolivian journalist.

Odebrecht, OAS, Votorantim, Camargo Correa and Eletrobrás are some of the major companies
that have been installed in the region. Some of the most emblematic projects are the construction of the South Inter-Oceanic Highway and Inambari dam in the Peruvian Amazon, said Ontiveros.

Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/revisto/

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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