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29 September 2010 | |


Mobilization to support Mapuche political prisoners in Chile

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On Wednesday morning, relatives of Mapuche political prisoners from Chile, together with representatives of social organizations, women groups and political parties, started a mobilization under the theme “No more injustices against the Mapuche People”.

The goal of the mobilization is to demand the release of the Mapuche political prisoners who have been on hunger strike for eighty days and who are being tried according to the anti-terrorist law established during Augusto Pinochet´s dictatorship.

The march started in Temuco´s prison and the demonstrators aim to get to the governmental building in the capital city of the country, Santiago de Chile.

Their mobilization is carried out in the context of many other actions which took place in the past days to defend the rights of the Mapuche political prisoners, such as a protest at the International Labour Organization in Chile and at the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in that country.

The negotiations around the situation of the prisoners are at a standstill due to the fact that the Chilean government, led by right-wing Sebastian Piñera, didn´t accept the latest request by the spokespeople of the Mapuche people on strike, who demanded the involvement of the Judicial and Legislative Powers in a discussion to find solutions to the demands of the prisoners.

But the mobilization has a broader goal than the defense of the rights of the Mapuche prisoners, since they aim, according to Venezuelan Telesur, to defend “the usurped Mother Earth, which is screaming against exploitation, pollution and desertization imposed by wood, water and energy transnational companies and the attacks against our communities”.

Photo: http://www.mapuexpress.net/

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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