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15 September 2010 | |

Poor Conditions

Interview with Juan Pablo Ochoa about the trial against sugarcane workers of Valle del Cauca, Colombia

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Real World Radio interviewed Juan Pablo Ochoa about the trial against the leaders of the movement of sugarcane workers. In 2008, the Movement of Sugar Cane Workers of Valle del Rio Cauca from Colombia occupied the entrance to the sugar and ethanol refineries, and presented their demands with reference to their working conditions.

The conditions of these workers were extremely poor: long working days without access to drinking water, they had to pay for transportation to go to the fields and they couldn´t weigh their daily work -a key element for the definition of their salary, etc.

Then, the Movement, called Movimiento 14 de Junio, carried out a strike for over 100 days, affecting the powerful Colombian sugar sector which is closely linked to the government.

This struggle inspired the solidarity of several social sectors at national and international level each time the sugarcane workers decided to confront an agroindustrial sector that has been profiting by exploiting biodiversity, agrobiodiversity, water sources and the work force of the region.

The landscape exposes this situation: next to abundant sugarcane crops flooded with freshwater, there live entire populations that must travel long distances to access this vital resource.

The agribusiness has been openly favored by the Colombian government through tax exemptions, production subsidies and the sale of ethanol, among other things.

During the strike, the Movement suffered the harassment of legal and illegal armed forces who tried to silence their struggle. The workers were even accused of “terrorism” by the President, which was reproduced by the media.

After trying with violence, media wars and attempts to bribe leaders, the refineries had to compromise and grant some victories to the workers. However, they are bringing five leaders of the movement and two political advisers to court. They are accused of alleged plotting to commit crimes, sabotage and physical injuries.

Photo: juanpalacamara.blogspot.com

(CC) 2010 Real World Radio


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