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24 October 2011 | |

Same Old Story

Storms in Guatemala cause loss of food production

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Tropical depression, heavy rains, floods and landslides. According to official figures, the storm that hit Guatemala on October 11 killed 38 people and left over half a million affected.

There were also millionaire losses as a result of the damages and serious consequences on food production.

Unfortunately, every year the warnings of Central American organizations like the Movement of Victims and People Affected by Climate Change (MOVIAC) are confirmed. The movement comprises peasant and indigenous people, who are the most affected by these climate phenomena.

“We continue being the main victims of a development model imposed by international agencies, transnational corporations and the most polluting countries of the world, which have historically failed to respect our form of ancestral life based on harmony with Mother Earth”, says Moviac in their latest public statement.

They criticize all the false solutions based on the commodification of Mother Earth, making clear reference to REDD and clean development mechanisms (CDM) promoted by the World Bank and that prioritize “hydroelectric projects implemented in the territories of our communities and the loss of biodiversity through the expansion of monoculture plantations”.

Moviac claims the Guatemalan government puts the interests of “oligarchies and transnational corporations” before the peoples’ interest by “creating laws to support programs that go against the decisions and the life of our communities”.

They cite the example of the “Framework law to regulate the reduction of vulnerability, the compulsory adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gases and the Regulation on community consultations”.


(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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