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3 August 2011 | |


Fukushima nuclear central reaches deadly radiation levels: government’s response is outrageous

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Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the company operating the Fukushima nuclear central in Japan, reached record radiation levels in the area since the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit several prefectures of the northeast of the country on March 11. The deadly risk close to the plant is huge.

TEPCO found radiation reached 10 sieverts (10,000 milisieverts) per hour. According to the Japanese Science Minister, if a person were exposed to those radiation levels it would die within one or two weeks, reports Spanish newspaper El Pais. The company’s measuring was made in the area where reactors 1 and 2 are located.

The Japanese company restricted access to the contaminated area and clarified that the staff that detected the current levels of radiation has not been exposed.

Hundreds of national social organizations and from all over the world have been calling the Japanese authorities to lower the level of radiation exposure considered acceptable for the population, especially for children (from 20 to 1 milisievert per year). They have also requested that measures be taken to reduce the people’s level of exposure, for example by expanding the exclusion areas.

Meanwhile, several groups organized a global day of action against nuclear energy on June 11, three months after the nuclear accident.

However, the Japanese government’s response has not satisfied the people worst affected by the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear crisis.

Only on July 19, the Fukushima residents had the chance to meet with the central government’s authorities. Members of the Nuclear Disasters Measures Center met with local residents. The residents of Fukushima asked the government to support the evacuation of the families that want more safety, and to provide financial and logistic support.

The citizens, who are very concerned about their health and about their children’s health, took urine samples from their children to have them tested by the government. The official delegation turned a deaf ear to the citizen’s demands and left the meeting ignoring their claims.

There follow two short videos of the meeting with English subtitles, brought to Real World Radio by Friends of the Earth Japan. The videos show the concerned claim of a mother and the moment when the government delegation leaves the room and ignores the demands of the residents of Fukushima.

Photo: http://petarzec.wordpress.com

(CC) 2011 Real World Radio


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